Monday, December 12, 2016

Unité 5: leçon 2: Les fruits

Les fruits

I apologize for the late posting.

As most of you know, we are currently studying the fruits name in French.

I am sure your child has practiced with you and might have sung the Pomme pêche poire et abricot song. (It's on track 9 of the Loustiques CD, I would not want you to miss that :-) ).

There are 10 fruits in total: pear, apple, cherry, strawberry, kiwi, banana, apricot, orange and grapes.

Many of the words are very similar to English.

Here is a quick learning video (not all vocabulary is included):

I will test 4 and 5th grades on these on Thursday and Friday.

EDIT: 3rd graders will be tested on Wednesday.

They will have a word bank and only need to be able to recognize the words for this test.

For the parents-treacher conference: If you want to see me, do not hesitate to email me the time you are meeting with the homeroom teacher and I will see if I can accommodate you.

Je vous souhaite de très bonnes fêtes!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Unité 5 leçon 1: Tu as tout pour pique-niquer?


We have started a new unit and here are the new vocabulary words.

3 and 4 grade:

Fork, knife, spoon, plate, glass and table cloth.

5th grade:

Fork, knife, spoon, plate, glass, table cloth, tomate, pain et fromage.

With 5th grade we will also introduce the concept: "There is"

I stopped using flash cards and instead in class we made a page with flipping illustration and words. I hope it will make it easier for them to learn the vocabulary. It will also be easier to find it since it is glued in the French notebook.

The test on Unité 5 leçon 1 will be next week. Check your students agenda.

Bonne fin de de semaine!

Madame Buffin!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Unité 4 leçon 5


Test for Unité 4 leçon 5 will be taken this Thursday (3 novembre) for 5th grades and Friday (4 novembre) for 3-4 grades.

The test will contain the vocabulary of leçon 5:

My belly hurts, my head hurts, my foot hurts, my ear hurts, my finger hurts and I am healed.

5 grade will also have: use of verbe être and avoir. They will have the conjugation table on the test and only need to select the proper form.

3-4 grades will have the negation to recognize and associate with images.

Bonne semaine et bonne étude!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Second quarter

Dear Parents!

Welcome back to school for the second quarter.

For this coming quarter we will finish Unité 4 and start Unité 5 that talk about food!

This week we will finish Unité 4 and learn the French expression J'ai mal: It hurts. The sentence literally translate as "I have pain" and then we add the body part that aches. We will also review that various body part and thus be able to use the following sentences:

J’ai mal à la tête
J’ai mal au ventre
J’ai mal a l’oreille
J’ai mal au pied
J’ai mal au doigt
Je suis guéri (masculin) Je suis guérie (feminine)

5th grades will also learn the conjugation for the avoir verb and will be able to combine these with the body parts:

Tu as
Il a
Elle a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils ont
Elles ont

Bonne semaine!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Unité 4 leçon 4: Tu bouges!


Last week and this week, we continued Unité 4 and sang the Head shoulders knees and toes in French.

Flashcards are sent home today and tomorrow (depending on the grade). The vocabulary words are Head, shoulder, knee, foot, arm, leg. 5th grade will also have three verbs: bouger, tirer et sauter.

All the vocabulary is written in their notebook.

Also please, do NOT throw away your student's tests. They worked hard on it and it will help them monitor their progresses. All tests are sent home to be signed. In class we will glue it in the notebook. It is easy credit for your student if the test comes back signed but it is their responsibility to ask you to sign it and take it back to school for the next French class.

Bonne journée!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Unité 4 leçon 3: Comment te sens-tu?

Bonjour chers Parents!

This week we have seen the vocabulary about emotions and feelings.

We have seen the following expressions:

J'ai peur, je suis malade, je suis content, je suis fâché, je suis fatigué, je suis triste.

The students cut and drew the flashcards.

With 5th graders we have seen the verb être (to be) at the present of the indicative. We will practice it on Monday.

The test on leçon 3 will be next week. Check your students agenda for test date (most probably but ask your student!, 3 and 4th graders will have it on Tuesday, 5th graders will have it on Thursday).

Bonne journée et bon weekend!

3rd grade: test on Tuesday 20
4th grade: test on Wednesday 21
5th grade: test on Thursday 22

5th graders will also have to recognize the verb être and avoir at the present tense in sentences (table de conjugaison is given).

Friday, September 2, 2016

Test Unité 4 leçon 2

Bonjour à tous!

Two weeks after the first test it is time to prepare for the second test.
5th grade will have the test on Thursday
4th grades will have the on Friday.

UPDATE: 3rd grade will have the test on Wednesday Sept 7.

The vocabulary is: beard, mustache, hat, glasses, earrings. I made flashcards with the children. It should make it easier to study the vocabulary.

I wish you all a pleasant and restful R&R labor day weekend.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Unité 4: lesson 2

Here is the vocabulary we are viewing for lesson 2:

Hat, glasses, earrings, mustache and beard.

If you are worried about the pronunciation use Google Translate and click on the little microphone. It is quite easy!

Unité 4 - Lesson 1

Video link for the word of the face:

NB: This video contains more vocabulary than I require the children to know.

Friday, August 19, 2016

First test

Test for the coming week for all grades:

Students need to know these vocabulary words. It is the students duty to have their vocabulary up to date, we wrote it in class in their French notebook.

Here are the English words they need to know in French: Eyes/eye, ears, hands, nose, mouth, visage, hair.

Have a pleasant weekend.

Plan for the year

Dear Parents,

Thank you for coming to the curriculum night yesterday. Here are a couple of points I wanted to share with you about the French class.

Method: Les Loustics 1. Marianne Capouet, Hugues Denisot. Hachette.
The children have Les loustics: cahier d’activité .

Lesson pace:

• Each year, 3 units (We will do Unit 4 to 6)
• Each Unit has 5 lessons
• ~ 2 weeks per lesson.

In the French notebook (the cahier d’activité stays in class, the notebook is taken home on homework days and the day before the test)

• Date
• Lesson title
• Vocabulay
• Homework(s)
• Test (signed by the parents)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Bienvenue en classe de Français!

Bienvenue en classe de Français!

Welcome to the French immersion class! My name is Mrs Aurélie Buffin and I am delighted to be your child’s French teacher this year.

If it is the first time your child will be in an immersion class, you might have questions and apprehensions. Most of you do not speak French yourselves and consider this to be a cause for concern. The French Immersion method is designed for English speaking children. The program is built around the idea that the students have no or little previous experience with French. Your children will learn French through a “gentle approach” where we gradually introduce them to the language through play, song, rhyme and stories and you may even find yourself learning along with your child.

We will be using the same method as last year: Les Loustics 1 by Marianne Capouet & Hugues Denisot, Hachette. This method is rich in images and sounds. The activities are based on games and dialogues that will give children the pleasure of learning. The Cahier d'activités should always stay in class. The French notebook will be taken home on homework days and the day prior to an evaluation.

If you have any questions or concerns you can always contact me by e-mail. I will return your message as soon as possible, which may be the end of the school day.

I am looking forward to working together with you and your child this year! Merci de votre confiance!

Aurélie Buffin