Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Unité 4 leçon 4: Tu bouges!


Last week and this week, we continued Unité 4 and sang the Head shoulders knees and toes in French.

Flashcards are sent home today and tomorrow (depending on the grade). The vocabulary words are Head, shoulder, knee, foot, arm, leg. 5th grade will also have three verbs: bouger, tirer et sauter.

All the vocabulary is written in their notebook.

Also please, do NOT throw away your student's tests. They worked hard on it and it will help them monitor their progresses. All tests are sent home to be signed. In class we will glue it in the notebook. It is easy credit for your student if the test comes back signed but it is their responsibility to ask you to sign it and take it back to school for the next French class.

Bonne journée!